FPGA Cookbook


You may be wondering why I invest the time to create another page on this topic. There are already so many pages and so much information on this topic and almost everything has already been said. But I want to create a website that is structured like a book and can be used to learn this topic and as a reference.

When I started with this topic, I had to gather my knowledge from different books and websites and from videos on YouTube and Udemy. I would have been happy if I had a central source that would have given me an easy start with FPGAs. Although I had a rough idea of what FPGAs are and what you can do with them, I didn’t know whether I should start with an Altera or Xilinx development board.

Furthermore, I had no direct comparison option between the individual boards. I first had to get the data for each chip from the manufacturer and to create a table so that I could compare them.

I would like to avoid all these difficulties for other beginners and provide a reference that leaves no questions unanswered. In addition to my own content, I will also refer a lot to content from other experts. So the visitor of my website does not have to search for other explanatory approaches or further information.